Title Proper |
Plan of Part of Lot No. 23
Description |
Plan of the northern part of Lot 23 (No.62). Hodgson Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, Gulf of St. Lawrnce, creeks, rivers, and roads. Color code indicates free and leased land.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of the northern part of Lot 23 (No.62). Hodgson Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, Gulf of St. Lawrnce, creeks, rivers, and roads. Color code indicates free and leased land.
Names Present on Map |
Silvain Blanchard, Fidele Doirant, [William Divouries], Peter Doirant, Moses Doirant, Maurice Doirant, [Silvain Perry], Isidore Peters, Isadore Doirant, [Simon LeClair], Joseph Blaquiere, Simon LeClere, Firmain Gallant, Firmain Doirant, Phillip Blaquiere, Frank Gallant, Bruno Gallant, Andrew LeClair, Joseph Peters, [Edwin Coulstin], [Moses Blaquiere], Louis Doirant, Peter LeClair, Maurice Blaquiere, Maxim Martin, Donald Peters, Moses Martin, Gilbert Peters, Prospere Peters, John Clark, James Orr, Leon Gallant, Syriac Doirant, Jeremiah Beote, Siriac Beott, William Shields, J. Lockhead, Daniel McNeill, John McLean Robertson, Alexander Laird, [John Wyand], [Samuel Wyand], William Fraser, [James McInstry], William Toombs, Alexander McNeil, [James Shanign], Alexander Keeseley, D. Robertson, Alfred Wyand, [George Simpson], Henry Robertson, D. MacNeill, Elizabeth Peters, John Fraser, Alexander Peters, [Dominick Doirant], Leonard Blaquiere, Stephen Blaquiere, Lazare Beote, John Peters, Horace Ling, John Moffatt, Andrew Beote, Peter Doirant, Leonard Beote, John Orr, Peter Orr, [William Nisbel], Xavier Doirant, Gilbert P. Doucette, Romain Gallant, Dominick Doirant, William Gallant, Charles McNeill, William MacLure, George McNeill, John Locherty, Daniel Robertson, William MacNeill, James McNeill, Margaret McNeill, Malcolm McNeill, John Simpson, William Simpson, Robert Simpson, [Marcus Goddie], Henry Simpson, David Simpson, Andrew Clark, David McNeill, Sarah McNeill
Extent |
1 map: col.; 28.5 x 66 cm.
Physical Description |
Cloth map on cloth backing.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
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Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |