Title Proper |
Plan of Township 30
Description |
Plan of Lot 30 (No.82). Stewart Estate. Shows names of residents.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
The map shows land parcels with the names of owners or occupants and their corresponding numbers of acres handwritten in ink or sometimes pencil. Deed and registry numbers appear on the parcels, usually in red ink. Bodies of water, which include Northumberland Strait, Howell's Brook and the Elliot or West River, are outlined in blue. Roads are shown in yellow/orange. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows showing variation for 1764.
Names Present on Map |
John MacDougald [John McDougall], Angus McDougall, Allan MacDougald [Allan McDougall], Daniel McLean, Dougald Stewart, Alexander McPhail, Alexader McNevin, John McNevin, Donald McNevin, John McLean, Allan McDougall, William McDonald, John Gillis, Donald McDonald, Neil Campbell, Angus McLean, Archibald McKinnon, Archibald Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Dougald McKinnon, [John McDween], [Roderick McDween], Mary McEachern, Thomas Bruce Stewart, Alexander MacDougald [Alexander McDougall], Archibald McDougald [Archiball McDougall], Donald McQuarrie, Colin McPhail, James Boyce, James Ferguson, James Montgomery, William Walter Irving, Alexander Robertson, William Boyce, Roderick Visey, Donald Currie, Raphael Gaudet, Colin McLeod, Archibald McNeil, James Gordon, Neil MacDougald [Neil McDougall], Duncan Livingstone, Archibald Stewart, Samuel MacDougald [Samuel McDougall], Peter McDonald, Neil McNevin, Samuel McDonald, Alexander McNevin, Francis Ball, James McGaughey, Angus McPhail, Charles Toole [Charles Poole], Sarah Toole [Sarah Poole], James Condon, John Condon, John McDonald, Patrick Condon, Michael McCarraghey [Michael McCaughey], Donald Matheson, James Palmer, Dennis Murphy, Neil McLeod, James O'Brian, Owen Brenan, James Conway, Patrick Bolger, Dennis Bolger, John McKenna, Francis McKenna, William Salmon, Angus Livingstone, Ewan Lamont, Duncan McPhee, Edward McQuaid, Thomas Locke, John Bradley, Ronald Bell, Edward Carraghan [Edward Callaghan], Charles Binns, Patrick McMurrer, Michael MacGarthy [Michael McCarthy], [Joseph Osborne], Charles McFadyen, [Patrick McElroy], Allan McKinnon, Andrew Eagan, Donald McFadyen, James Brickey, John Smith, Alexander McLeod, Samuel Balls, Paul McPhail, William McCaulder [William McAlder], Henry Balls, John Gillespie, James Stewart, Henry Dart, Johnathan Metcalf, Neil McKinnon, Michael McCafferty, Michael Callaghan, Patrick McQuaid, Charles MacCarty [Charles McCarthy], John McArthur, William Corney, Duncan McDonald, Allan Martin, Finlay Ferguson, Malcolm Ferguson, James W. Gass, [John Beer], William Beer, Michael Malone, Charles H. Condon, Martin Costello, Peter Costello, Angus McPhee, Bridget Wynne, Andrew Wynne, Dennis McCluskey, John McCluskey, James Costello, Francis Malone, Patrick Monaghan, Arthur Monaghan, George Barrett, Donald McLean, William McLean, John McCaulder, Alexander McCaulder, Joseph Gass, Hugh Gillis, William Guss [William Gass], James McPherson, William Cullin [William Cullen], William Cosbetto [William Costello], James McCarvell, Peter McCaulder, Patrick McCaulder, John Beagan, Patrick Woods, James McCluskey, James Hughes, John Howell, James Mulligan, James McQuaid, Thomas McQuaid, James McKearney, Frederick J. Bradley, John Thompson, James Connolly, Edward Hulligan [Edward Callaghan], Thomas Hallaghan [Thomas Callaghan], John Kiggins, Eugene McMahon, Michael Kiggins, Michael Murphy, James Kiggins, John Cusack, Philip Smith, Patrick McNeil, Patrick McDonald, Francis Hogan, William Pay, [Aubeary Powle], James Hogan, Cornelius Murphy, Francis Kiggins, James Duffy, John Duffy, John Quinn, Owen Conley [Owen Connolly], John McGuire, Widow Griffin, James Coady, Patrick Hogan, Patrick Callaghan, Patrick McCluskey, Peter Monaghan, Peter McQuaid, William H. Woods, Jerome Monaghan, Andrew Bradley, William Kiggins, Widow Catherine McMahan [Catherine McMahon], Widow McGee, Patrick Traynor, William Traynor, James Howell, James Murphy, Donald McKinnon, John R. Edwards, Murdoch McLennan, John McLennan, Robert McKinnon, Duncan McLeod, John Gillies, John McKenzie, Donald Nicholson, Murdoch McLellan, Roderick Gillies, John Nicholson, Angus McKay, Malcolm Gillies, Donald McInnis.
Date (Other) |
1890 (year approximate)
Extent |
1 map: col.; 41.5 x 125 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. Paper is cracked, peeling away from cloth in places. Pieces are missing, most notably from an area measuring approx. 6 x 10 cm in the lower, right quadrant. Data has been lost.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
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Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) |