Title Proper |
Lot 22
Description |
Plan of Lot 22 showing residents.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
The map shows numbered parcels of land with the names of owners or occupants and their corresponding numbers of acres handwritten in ink or sometimes in pencil. A few land parcels are tinted blue. Roads are shown. Some mills are indicated along with a dam on the East Branch of Hope River. Bodies of water, which include Grenville Bay (or New London Bay) and the Gulf of St. Lawrence with a sandspit between them, are coloured blue. Rivers include Hope River, Anderson's Creek and part of the Trout River. North and magnetic north arrows.
Names Present on Map |
Murdock McLeod, Alexander McLeod, [Donald McInnis], Alexander Campbell, Malcolm McLeod, Alexander McLeod, Donald McKenzie, John McInnis, Donald McKay, John McKay, Donald McKay, Allan McLeod, Norman McLeod, Alexander McDonald, Marion McDonald, [Ewen McDonald], Alexander McInnis, [Murdock Cummings], Marion McDonald, Malcolm Nicholson, W. Sewell, C. Sewell, [John McQueens], John McLennon, [Hugh Gillis], John McLeod, [James May], David Wilson, Neil McKinnon, M. McKinnon, John McNeill, Neil McNeil, William Landrigan, [John Craig], Donald McKinnon, [Charles James], John Doyle, John Nicholson, Donald Beaton, [William Bagnall], [Richard Bagnall], [Alexander Land], Gidion Piper, George Bagnall, Hugh Arthur, [John Hatch], Richard Symons, William Walsh, William Arthur, [Andrew Harigan], James Harris, William Grigory, [Andrew Houghs], Richard Clarke, [William Houston], [F. Beaton], [Michael James], Angus McLeod, John Gillis, Malcolm Gillis, Donald McLennan, John Masters, Francis Connally, Hugh Connally, Thomas Connally, [John McKenna], R. Goodman, John Dickieson, Andrew Dickieson, Montague C. Irving, Peter McInnis, Peter Goodman, [Charles McKenna], James McGuiggan, [Patrick McKenna], [Victor Gallant], [Maurice Peters], [Donald Cummings], [John Cooney], Stephen Peters, [Patrick Doyle], Robert McMillan, James Currie, John Parsons, William Butter, Dennis Higgins, Felix Murphy, James Boulin, [Michael Coughlin], James Reed, John Reed, [David Kuly], Donald Graham, James Graham, John Sutherland, [Thomas Vincent], James Sullivan, [James Barlin], [Tim Harrington], John Fleming, [Thomas Walch], Patrick Cody, John Harrington, Michael Harrington, James Harrington, [Edward Huul], [Michael Quin], [Hugh Quin], [Thomas Swyer], [Felix McEwen], John Traynor, [Francis Traynor], Michael Murphy, [Maxime Pino], [Peter McInally], James Curley, [Peter McElmead], Michael McGuighan, [Owen McLeer], [Michael McLeer], John M. Bell, John Simpson, Thomas Cooney, Jeremiah Simpson, William Sullivan, Laurence Hogan, Benjamin Andrew, John Graham, [Thomas Hayes], [Charles Graham], Edward Grady, Michael Cooney, James O'Brien, Hugh McGuigan, Andrew Cullin, Edward Bassett, Daniel Sullivan, Joseph Pino, [Peterick Harrington], William Pendergast, John Hodgson, Patrick Cannon, William Graham, William Lilley, John Barry, Thomas Vincent, Alexander Pickering, William Pickering, Widow Pickering, James Pickering, James Pine, Charles Anderson, Robert Anderson, James Bell, James Simpson, Jeremiah Simpson, Moses Graham, William McKay, Thomas Hays
Date (Other) |
1842 (year approximate) to 1849 (year approximate)
Extent |
1 map: col.; 145 x 34 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth. The paper is cracked and a few small pieces have come off of the cloth, resulting in some data loss. Discolouration.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - Area | |
Subject (Topical) |