Reference Maps
“Topographical Map of Prince Edward Island in the Gulf of the St. Lawrence (from actual Surveys at the late coast survey of Capt. H. W. Bayfield,” (Saint John, New Brunswick: W. C. and H. H. Baker, 1863).
Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Province Prince Edward Island (Toronto: J H Meacham & Co., 1880).
Atlas of Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada and the World, 1927 (Toronto: Cummins Map Company, 1928).
Geoffrey J. Matthews, R. Cole Harris, D. G. G. Kerr, Deryck Holdsworth, R. Louis Gentilcore, and Ronald Harvey Walder. Historical Atlas of Canada, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987; 1993). (
Secondary Resources
John Boylan, “The Best Laid Plans: Fire Insurance Mapping on Prince Edward Island,” Island Magazine 58 (2005): 23-27.
Ann Coles, “A Beginner’s Guide to Island Land Records,” Island Magazine 25 (1989): 35-41.
Bruce S. Elliott, Irish Migrants in the Canadas: A New Approach, 2nd Edition (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP, 2004).
Richard Mark Enman, “The Meacham Companion,” (Charlottetown: s.n., 1986) UPEI Robertson Library, Special Collections, G1135.A44 1880 PEI.
Dorothy Griffin-Farish, “Finding Your Canadian Ancestors - A Beginner's Guide,” PEIGS Newsletter 34 (2) (April 2009): 22-31.
E. Wade Hone, Land & Property Research in the United States (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, Inc., 1997).
Roger J. P. Kain and Elizabeth Baigent, The cadastral map in the service of the state: a history of property mapping (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992).
Terrence M. Punch, Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia (Halifax: Petheric Press Ltd, 1983).
___________ “Land and Probate Records in Genealogy,” Connections 5 (3) (March 1983): 6-10.
Alan Rayburn, Geographical Names of Prince Edward Island, Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names. Ottawa, 1973.
Ruth Sandwell, Contesting Rural Space: Land Policy and Practices of Resettlement on Saltspring Island, 1859-1891 (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP, 2005).
Loretto D. Szucs, and Sandra H. Luebkingeds., The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy (Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry, Inc., 1997).
William Thorndale and William Dollarhide, Map Guide to the U. S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920 (Genealogical Publishing Com, 1987).
Ann Thurlow, “Digital Island History,” PEIGS Newsletter 35 (2) (April 2010): 13.
This section lists some websites that are of interest to genealogists and that cover much of Europe and North America, as well as websites that focus on Canadian and Prince Edward Island databases.
PEI Genealogical Society
The Island Register
Natural Resources Canada: Origin of Canadian Geographical Names
Atlas of Canada website
Manitoba Historical Maps on Flikr
Western Canadian historical maps
The Canadian County Atlas Digital Project
Atlas et cartes historiques a compilation of links to digitized, online historical atlases and maps
Vancouver Island History hosts maps and census data for Vancouver Island
W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps
RootsWeb (
US Genealogy Map Site
National Atlas of the United States historical material focuses mainly on election results, territorial expansion, and the Civil War
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries (USA)
U. S. Census Bureau TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) system
David Rumsey Historical Maps
John Robertson’s Historical County Lines
Federation of East European Family History Societies Map Library