Displaying 55 - 77 of 77
Description: The map shows the country of Eroupe. Shown are capitals of countries, railroads, submarine telegraph lines, a table of Principal Divisions of Europe, bodies of water, and coordinates.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows the Oceania. Shown are the Topic of Capricorn and the Equator lines, countries, great sand deserts, bodies of water, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
England and Wales
Description: The map shows England and Wales/ Shown are the North and Irish Sea, St. Patrick's, St. George's, Britol, and English Channel, cities and towns. more
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows France. Shown are a table of an Explaination of Battle Lines, English Channel, Bay of Biscay, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg
Description: The map shows the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Shown are the North Sea, towns, and cities.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Spain and Portugal
Description: The map shows Spain and Portugal. Shown are The Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Balearic Islands, Bay of Biscay, Gulf of Lyons, Pyrenees Mountains, towns, and cities.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows Germany. Shown are the North and Baltic Sea, cables, Towns, and Cities.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Austria, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia
Description: The map shows Austria, and Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia. Shown are other countries, towns, and cities, and the Adriatic Sea.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows Italy. Shown are the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, Mediterranean, and Sicilian Sea, cables, countries, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Jugo-Slavia and the Balkan-States
Description: The map shows Jugo-Slavia and the Balkan-States. Shown are the Black, Adriatica, and Aegean Sea, cables, towns, and cities.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows Greece. Shown are the Egean, Adratic, Marmara, Black, Ionian, and Crete Sea, Ionian Islands, other bodies of water, cities and towns. Also an insert of Crete.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Russia: Ukrainia, Finland, Esthonia, Lativia, and Lithuania
Description: The map shows Russia, Ukrainia, Finland, Esthonia, Lativia, and Lithuania. Shown are the Arctic Ocean, Kara, Baltic, Black, Mediterranean, and Caspian Sea, countries, cities and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows Poland. Shown are the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Riga, Bay of Danzig, countries, towns, and cities.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Norway and Sweden
Description: The map shows Norway and Sweden. Shown are tge Arctic, and North Atlantic Ocean, North and Baltic Sea, gulfs, lakes, islands, cities and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows Switzerland. Shown are lakes, rivers, Bernina and Bernese Alps, mountains, countries, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Turkey: In Asia
Description: The map shows Turkey, in Asia. Shown are the Black and Mediterranean Sea, a table of Explanation, countries, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
China, Japan, and Mongolia
Description: The map shows China, Japan, and Mongolia. Shown are the Pacific Ocean, Japan, China, Eastren, and Yellow Sea, capitals of countries, treatly ports, steamship lines, the Great Wall, railroads,β¦ more
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Description: The map shows India. Shown are Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, coasts, islands, China Empire, cities, railroads, canals, towns and two inserts of Bombay, Calcutta and Vicinity.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Map of the United States
Description: The map shows the United States. Shown are the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, dominion of Canada, states, cities and towns.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927