Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Plan of Township No. 33 In Prince Edward Island. Part of the Estate of the late John Hodges Winslow…
Description: Plan of Lot 33 (No.88). Part of the estate of the late John Hodges Winslow. Copied from the Original Plan by Thos. MacKinlay, April 23, 1847. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1847-04-23
Plan of Township No. 33. in Prince Edward Island.: referred to in the Deed of Partition [...]
Description: Plan of Lot 33 referred to in the Deed of Partition between Alfred Winsloe, Henry Winsloe, Sydney T. Evans and wife, and Anne Winsloe, March 13, 1863. Shows names of residents and acreage, bodies of… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1863-03-13
Plan of Township Number 10. Surveyed by John Ball, L. S.
Description: Plan of Lot 10 (No.28). Stewart Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and a few land conveyance references, bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, bays, and creeks, roads, and Bird Island.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps