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County of York: New Brunswick
Description: The map shows the county of York in New Brunswick. Shown are railroads and stations, St. Mary Ferry, Nashwaak Bridge, mills, lakes, MacAdam Junction, post offices, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Roe Brothers
Province: New Brunswick
Type: geographical maps
Date Issued (Source): 1878
County of York: New Brunswick
Description: The map shows the county of York in New Brunswick. Shown are railroads and stations, St. Mary Ferry, Nashwaak Bridge, mills, lakes, MacAdam Junction, post offices, cities, and towns.
Publisher: Roe Brothers
Province: New Brunswick
Type: geographical maps
Date Issued (Source): 1878
Chatham : Charlottetown : New Castle : City of Fredricton : Moncton: Northumberland Co. N.B..β¦
Description: The map shows Catham in the Northumberland county. New Brunswick. Shown are a river, wharf, streets, buildings, lots and a ferry crossing. The map shows Charlottetown in Queens county, Prince Edward⦠more
Publisher: Roe Brothers
Province: New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island
Type: geographical maps
Date Issued (Source): 1878