Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Plan of Township No. 23
Description: Plan of Lot 23. Shows the estates of Susan Rennie, David S. Rennie and Daniel Hodgson. Gives names of residents, acreage, and a few land conveyance references, rivers, gulfs, roads, towns, and a… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Lot Seventeen: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 17 along with two smaller maps of lot 17 and 23. The map includes landowners and acreage, railroads and stations, roads, districts, creeks, rivers, bays, marshes, brooks, coves,… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lots 22 and 23: Queens County
Description: The map shows lots 22 and 23 in Queens county. Shown are rivers, roads, railroads, landowners, acreage, New London bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927