Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Plan of George Town: The Town Lots are 84 by 120 Feet. The North and South Streets are 100 Feet.…
Description: Plan of Georgetown showing lots and streets, bays, ranges, squares, and a school house. Also shows location of school house. Copy from the Office Plan No.6.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Date Created: 1853-06-07
Office Copy of Plan No. 5 of the Royalty of George Town: by Jos. Ball D. S. Gl. June 7th 1853
Description: The map shows the numbered town lots and street grid of Georgetown. It gives the acreage amounts of a few of the town lots. The names of some residents have been added in pencil. The map shows… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: plans
Date Created: 1853-06-07