Title Proper |
Canada Orientale nell' America Settentrionale
Subtitle |
descritta dal P. Mro. Coronelli M C Cosmografo della Seren Republica di Venetia, dedicata Alli Mto. Reuerendi Padri Li P. P. Minori Conuentuali del Monastero insigne di S. Francesco di Bologna
Description |
Rectangular map, black on white paper. The map shows Newfoundland; Prince Edward Island; Anticosti Island; Cape Breton; part of mainland Nova Scotia; part of New Brunswick; part of Quebec; and part of Labrador. The map shows rivers and coastal places and features such as capes, points and bays. Depths are shown by hatchings, stippling and soundings. The fishing banks off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are featured prominently, with the extensive banks east of Newfoundland charted in detail. The upper left corner of the map contains an illustrated wreath which encircles five (5) bar scales showing Italian, French, Spanish, German and nautical measures of scale. The upper right corner contains a decorative illustrated title cartouche with twined serpents or creatures.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation
PEI Museum Number |
Contributors |
Cartographer: Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)
Details |
The map shows Newfoundland; Prince Edward Island; Anticosti Island; Cape Breton; part of mainland Nova Scotia; part of New Brunswick; part of Quebec; and part of Labrador. The map shows rivers and coastal places and features such as capes, points and bays. Depths are shown by hatchings, stippling and soundings. The fishing banks off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are featured prominently, with the extensive banks east of Newfoundland charted in detail. The upper left corner of the map contains an illustrated wreath which encircles five (5) bar scales showing Italian, French, Spanish, German and nautical measures of scale. The upper right corner contains a decorative illustrated title cartouche.
Date Created |
Extent |
Physical Description |
Copper engraving on paper. Condition [as stated on the back of the item]: Good condition
Subject (Geographic) | |
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - Lot/Region |