Title Proper |
Carte Nouvelle contenant la Partie d'Amerique La Plus Septentrionale, ou sont exactement decrites les Provinces suivantes comme le Canada ou Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Ecosse, la Nouvelle Angleterre, les Nouveaux Pais Bas, la Pensylvanie, la Virginie, la Caroline et l'Jle de Terre Neuve
Subtitle |
avec les profondeuis le long des cotes et sur les bancs. Par Nicolas Visscher Avec Privilege des Etats Generaux.
Description |
The map shows the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the northeast Atlantic and the provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, as well as part of Quebec. Sable Island, Anticosti Island and the Magdalen Islands appear on the map. The east coast of Newfoundland is the area most heavily labelled with place names. Elevation and forest cover are shown pictorially. The map uses labels and stippling to show numerous fishing banks. It uses soundings to show depths, and the Grand Banks are charted in extensive detail. The map has a small compass with north arrow. Graphs in the lower right corner show the scale in English, French and German units. James W. Macnutt Collection.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation
PEI Museum Number |
Contributors |
Cartographer: Visscher, Nicolas (1618-1679)
Engraver: van Anse, L.
Details |
Provenance: Purchased by Mr. Macnutt at Zwicker's Gallery in Halifax in 1986. [Information from the back of the item]
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: col.; 48.7 x 61.2 cm. [from measurements provided on the back of the item]
Physical Description |
Engraved map on paper, framed, under glass. Condition [as noted on the back of the item]: Good condition.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Subject (Topical) |