Title Proper |
Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, la Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline, Nouvelle Angleterre et Nouvelle Yorck, l'Isle de Terre Neuve, la Louisiane et le Cours de la Riviere de Misisipi.
Subtitle |
Par N. de Fer. Geographe de Monsieg. le Dauphin. A Paris, Chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du Palais sur le Quay de l'Orloge a la Sphere Royale Avec Privilege du Roy 1702.
Description |
This item is a rectangular copper engraving of a map of North America, from the Mississipi to the Atlantic, with separate descriptive text from the "Atlas Curieux" displayed above. A box at the right edge of the map gives coordinates of Quebec, the mouth of the Mississippi, la Havane, and Plaisance, Newfoundland. The map shows the eastern seaboard of the U.S. and Canada, including Newfoundland and Labrador; the Gulf of Mexico; and the Caribbean Islands. It shows Florida, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, the Great Lakes and Quebec. Florida, the Caribbean Islands, and the top of Cuba are outlined in green; New England States, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Virginia are outlined in beige; Newfoundland and New France, including Louisiana, are edged in light yellow. Mountians are shown pictorially. The map shows the locations of forts and has tiny illustrations of buildings at some settlements, such as Quebec City. It uses stippling and labels to show the fishing banks off the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The map has a compass rose with rhumb lines and, below the title, a bar scale in French units. The title appears inside a rectangular cartouche. James W. Macnutt Collection. Additional associations Frame HF.94.84.5 A
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation
PEI Museum Number |
Contributors |
Cartographer: de Fer, Nicolas (1646-1720)
Engraver: Van Loon
Details |
Taped to the back of the frame, there are two separate paper clippings containing descriptions of the map. The text of the first clipping is transcribed here: FER, N de. Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, la Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline, Nouvelle Angleterre et Nouvelle Yorck, l'Isle de Terre Neuve, la Louisiane et le Cours de la Riviere de Misisipi, Paris 1700+ (23.3x34.2). For its time and size this map contains a lot of inland detail as far west as the Mississippi, principally based on the French discoveries. The five Great Lakes are interesting because they do not appear to conform to any of the conventional early configurations, yet are well defined, as is the Mississippi. There are, however, some curious errors such as the mouth of the Mississippi being too far west. Various historical notes are interesting including the discovery of the Mississipi in 1683 by La Salle. A panel of descriptive text is joined (16.2 x 23.4). Original outline colour. Scarce: $750 [handwritten:] Faupel Dec '91 (115)
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map with text panel: col.; 35.6 x 24.5 cm. [from measurments provided on the back of the item]. Map area within neat lines: approximately 33.5 x 23 cm. Text panel: approximately 23.5 x 16 cm.
Physical Description |
Copper engraving on paper, framed, under glass. Condition [as noted on the back of the item]: Good condition.
Geographic - Continent | |
Subject (Topical) |