Title Proper |
Stanhope Shore Rd.
Description |
The map shows the Stanhope Shore Road with the names of residents, their road frontage measurements and dollar amounts for each.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
The map shows the Stanhope Shore Road with the names of residents, their road frontage measurements and dollar amounts for each.
Names Present on Map |
Patrick Horgan, Birt Misner, John Misner, Watson Ross, Dr. Blanchard, Lloyd Shaw, Maud Shaw, Thomas Lothian, William Ross, Mark Calder, Ed Garnhum, Salem Korrey, Keith Rodgers, Al Hyndman, Rupert Ross, Mrs. R. Laughlin, W.[J.] Duschemin, Mrs. C.S. Drew, W. Allan, Mary Ellin, J.A. MacLaughlin, James MacFadyen, Leith Birt, Mrs. Cannon, J.T. Ibbot, Mrs. Art Affleck, Sid Gauthier, George MacMillan, Mrs. Jack Warren, Brent Howatt, Allan Mutch, H. Warren, George Hooper, Kathryn MacDonald, Christine MacDonald
Date Created |
Extent |
1 ms. map: col.; 210.5 x 55.5 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |