Title Proper |
Plan of Township No 14
Subtitle |
part of the Cunard Estate.
Description |
Plan of Lot 14 (No.39). Part of Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references. The map shows bodies of water, roads, post offices, a railroad station, and a comapss rose.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 14 (No.39). Part of Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references. The map shows bodies of water, roads, post offices, a railroad station, and a comapss rose.
Names Present on Map |
Fidelle Geneau, Vitalle Geneau, John H. Arsenault, Johnson DesRoches, Mathias Casey, Joseph S. Cormier, Octave Geneau, Celestine Geneau, Jos. F. Arsenault [Joseph F. Arsenault], John Gallant, Laurent Gallant, Alexander E. Holland, Lawrence J. Arsenault, Stanislaus Cormier, Cyprian Gallant, Doucette Bernard, Judith Arsenaux [Judith Arsenault], Stephen Bernard, Antoine Arsenault, Archibald Gillis, Matthias DesRoches, John S. Cormier, Sylvain Arsenault, John H. Yeo, Eloi Bernard, Simon Gallant, Andrew Gallant, John Minnard, John Harrington, Pacifique Gallant, Robert T. Holman, John O. Arsenault, James Yeo Thomas, Alexander McArthur, Anthony MacKinnon, Fidelle Arsenault, Philip Arsenault, Hubert Arsenault, Octave Gallant, Arcade Bernard, Joseph Cormea [Joseph Cormier], Francis Arsenault, Moses Gallant, Stanislaus Gallant, Joseph G. Arsenault, Peter Arsenault, Thaddeus Gallant, Lamable Gallant [Amable Gallant], Philip Gallant, John Kent, Gilbert Arsenault, Lucian Arsenault, Eugene Arsenault, Emanuel Arsenault, Isadore Gallant, Joseph LeClair, Philibert Arsenault, Michael Ayres, Dennis Hogan, Sylvain J. Gallant, Philias LeClair, Francis Gaudet, Joseph Maddocks, Joseph O. Arsenault, H. C. Trudelle, Joseph Gallant, Sylvain Casey, James Maddock, Laurent Bernard, Gilbert Bernard, Sylvain Gallant, Andrew Wedge, Francis Gallant, Robert Foran, Anthony Pembrook, Patrick Pembrook, John Barry, John F. Gillis, Charles Bernard, Pacifique Arsenault, Marcelline Arsenault, Fidelle Perry, George Hinton, Edibbert Perry, Marcelline Gallant, Euzebe Arsenault [Eusebe Arsenault], Hubert Wedge, Matias Arsenault, Moses Arsenault, Andrew Gillis, Cephas C. Cann, William E. Sullivan, Stephen E. Gallant, James McDonald, John McKinnon, Malcolm A. McLeod, John McNeill, Murdoch McKinnon, Alexander McInnis, Alice Ann Gillis, Archibald Gillis, Rebecca Morrison, John Gillis, Isabella McIsaac, Angus McIsaac, Federick Gillis, John McIsaac, George Smith, Peter Cameron, William Carroll L., Samuel Yeo, Dougal McInnis, Major McInnis, Norman McDonald, Martin Condon, James Leard, Murdoch McKinnon, Thes. Colfor L., Calvin McDonald, Donald McDonald Jr., Alexander McDonald, Neil McNeill, George Barlow, Daniel Cameron, William Morrison, James R. Baglole, Patrick Welsh, Edward Welsh L., Edward Gorrill, Joseph McGilvray, Roderick McDougall, Richard Gorrill, Eli Dyment, John McPhee, Neil J. McDonald, Ellen Matilda McNeill, Linus McNeill, Daniel McDougall, Joseph McPhee, James H. Fitzgerald, Beny Kaywood, Patrick Ayres, Michael Fitzgerald, John Smith, James H. Fitzgerald, Michael Fitzgerald, John Tuplin, Reuben Tuplin, James Cousins, Thomas Condon, Martin Condon, Dougald McInnis, Donald Campbell L., Archibald McDonald, Donald Gillis, James Gillis, John Cameron, Dougald Currie, Augustine Cameron, James Cameron, John Larrisey [John Morrisey], William Morrisey, John Maynard, John MacIntosh, George Monkley, John Carr Bao, Donald Carr, Robert Dobie, William Phillips, Thomas Engles, Hugh McArthur, Elizabeth Ramsay, Dougald McArthur, John Ramsay, L. Angus Ramsay, Benjamin Ramsay, James McKinnon, Lauchlan Gillis, Angus Gillis, Donald MacIntosh, L. George Carroll, Archibald McArthur, Beny Ramsay, William Montgomery, Hugh MacIntosh, Michael McIntosh, James F. Gillis, James Phillips, Roderick Gillis, William Yeo, Edmund Phillips, Henry Phillips, Daniel Campbell, Daniel McKay, Trenholm Oulton, Neil McKinnon, John O'Connor, William Dennis, Henry Dennis, Frederick John McDonald, John W. Brown, Jesse Strang, John Bell, Donald McLellan, Angus McLellan, Archibald McInnis, Jonathan McDougald [Jonathan McDougall], Ambrose McDonald, Donald McDougald [Donald McDougall], Michael McDougall, Angus McNeill, Joseph McLellan, Alexander McLellan, John McLellan, James McDougall, Stephen McDonald, Michael McDonald, Peter McDonald, Angus McDonald, Edward Praught, Neil Campbell, Glebe Land, Malcolm Campbell, John Adams, Lauchlan McIntyre, Donald McIntyre, Roderick McIntyre, John McIntyre, Neil McLellan, John Morrison, John McMullin, Roderick McKinnon, John McLean, Farquhar McDonald, Stephen McDonald, Peter Praught, Cyprian McDonald, Paul Thompson, Valentine Cameron.
Extent |
1 map: col.; 116 x 45 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper is peeling away from the cloth; some pieces are missing, resulting in data loss.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
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Subject (Topical) |