Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 57
Description |
Plan of Lot 57 (No.153). Selkirk Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. A copy from the plan conveying the Estate to the Government and signed by John Aldous. The map also shows bodies of water such as Newtown River, Portree Creek, roads, and a nautical compass pointing North. Back of map: Working plan of Lot 57. Selkirk. No. 153
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Contributors |
Surveyor: Aldous, John
Names Present on Map |
John Fraser, Margaret Fraser, David Ross, John Malcolm Buchanan, Hector McKinnon, Alexander Finlayson, Malcolm Murchison, William Finlayson, John Finlayson, Archibald McTavish, Tavish McTavish, Hector McEachern, Andrew O'Brien, James O'Brien, William Bulger, Terence McGarrach, Nicholas Stacks, Peter McGarrach, John Cody, Michael Roach, Daniel Mooney, John O'Connell, [Thomas Brenoch], Edward Morrisey, Matthew Farrell, John Shea, Thomas Callaghan, Edward Roach, John Welsh, Patrick O'Connell, [John Douse], Gordon Gill, Richard Gill, James O'Connell, Edmund Hughes, [Barney McTeague], John Clerkin, Daniel Mooney, Widow Conley, James Burns, Patrick McClusky, Phillip Rooney, James Couly, Malcolm Finlayson, Angus Martin, Thomas Griffin, James Martin Griffin, Dennis Griffin, [Alexander McIntosh], Edward Biggs, Widow McIntosh, John Martin, Peter Martin, Alexander Smith, A. McDougall, J. McDougall, Alexander Gillis, Alexander Anderson, George McPherson, Mary Callahn, John Callahan, John Connolly, James Fraser, Alexander McLean, William McLeod, John McDonald, [Richard Cunan], Edward Morrisey, Lawrence Cody, William MacPhail, [James Ginnop], [Mary Ann Gannip], James Kelly, John Roach, John Kelly, William Mahar, Patrick Power, John Power, William Cody, Michael Murphy, Thomas Morrisey, Walter Kelly, John Roach, [Edmund Naddy], [Michael Naddy], James Byrnes, John McLeod, Lauchlan McDonald, Angus McLeod, Donald McLeod, Alexander McRae, Angus Martin, Duncan McDonald, John Martin, William Martin, Angus Martin, John McDonald, Alexander Gillis, Donald Ross, William McPherson, Alexander Martin, Peter Gillis, Patrick Gillis, Duncan McDonald, Hugh McDonald, Malcolm McPherson, Archibald Finlayson, Angus Bruce, Malcolm McDonald, Kenneth McBeath, John McPhee, Neil McPherson, George Proctor, Mary Kelly, [Garret Raird], Donald McDonald, Malcolm McLeod, Ronald Ross, Angus Gillis, Charles McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Ronald McDonald, [John McKenzie], John Enman, Charles Wisener, Hugh McDonald, John McKenzie, Alexander Stewart, James Stewart, Donald McPherson, James McPherson, Donald McPherson, Kenneth McKenzie, Malcolm McLean, Peggy Graham, Allan McDonald, Hector McDonald, Murdoch McKenzie, Roderick McLeod, John Martin, John McPherson, William McLeod, Angus Martin, Alexander Nicholson, Samuel Martin, William Gillis, Alexander Doyle, Malcolm Bruce, Hugh Lamont, James McKenzie, Donald Bruce, Archibald Matheson, Richard Carver, Charles McLeod, Alexander McLeod, Neil McLeod, Duncan McLeod, Donald Munroe, William McLeod, Alexander Bruce, Alexander McPherson, Piggy Graham, Lauchlan McLeod, Alexander Martin, William Martin, Alexander Nicholson, Donald Bruce, William Montgomery, Malcolm Montgomery, Widow McLeod, Widow Nicholson, Angus J. Nicholson, Murdoch McKenzie
Extent |
1 map: col.; 81 x 63 cm.
Subject (Geographic) | |
Subject (Topical) |