Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 51 (No.140)
Description |
Plan of Lot 51 (No.140). The property of Sir Graham G. Montgomery and others. True copy from a survey made in August, 1838, by George Wright. Copied by Jas. Bevan, 1852. Shows names of residents and acreage, roads, bodies of water such as Montague River.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Contributors |
Surveyor: Wright, George Jr.
Names Present on Map |
John Munro, Donald Munro, Donald Gillis, Kenneth McLanen, William Lamont, Neil McLeod, Donald MacQueen, Angus McPherson, James Ross, Angus McDonald, Neil McInnis, John Traynor, Michael Sullivan, John McPherson, Alexander McPherson, Hugh Smith, John McKenna, Angus McDonald, John Campbell, Donald McLeod, John McDonald, Donald Nicholson, John Bruce, Ronald Lamont, Donald Campbell, [Angus Gordon], Malcolm Campbell, Hugh Riley, Hugh MacDarmind, Joseph Power, P. Beers, Angus Nicholson, Norman Nicholson, Archibald Beaton, Malcom McKinzie, Donald McKinzie, John Bruce, [Roderick McBeath], Edward Dooley, John McArthur, Michael Evins, Thomas Mooney, Michael McAhey, Thomas Sullivan, William Wallace, Martin o'Hollaran, Edward Walsh, William Kane, Thomas Mellish, James Learen, Murdock McLeod, James McLearen, Malcolm Nicholson, Roderick Campbell, Hugh McDonald, John Mellish, Philip Smith, Donald Ross, Philip Smith, Donald McDonald, Neil Stewart, James Stewart, Robert Shaw, Daniel Minchin, hector Johnston, Peter Campbell, Laurence Curren, Allen MacLean, John MacMillan, Arthur Own, William McGrath, Edward Walsh, Thomas Walsh, John Walsh, Michael Power, Andrew Murphy, Edmund Cain, Patrick Sweeney, John Sweeney, James McEachern, Richard Murphy, Matthew Murphy, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Dunn, Alexander McMillen, James Carey, Edward Walsh, Thomas Croonan, Richard Poor, William Walsh, Charles Stewart, Donald mcLean, [Angus McInnis], Patrick Kelly, Malcolm McLean, Duncan Ferguson, Dougald Ferguson, [Daniel Minchin], John Shaw, John McLearen, John Dewar, James Learen, James Germley, John Samphy, Thomas Baldwin, Edward Pollard, Thomas Dunniho, Thomas Kelly, Widow pollard, Edmond Forran, Thomas Cockern, Thomas McKenna, Francis Curran, Dennis Mulligan, John McQuaid, Patrick McQuaid, Peter Curran, Andrew Campbell, James Rice, James Deaghen, M. McQuaid, Felix Farmer, P. McQuaid, James Kenny, Thomas Baldwin, Patrick Cairns, Thomas Cullen, James Campbell, Lawrence Power, John Power, John MacAree, Thomas Corcoran, [Thomas Cunan], James Howlett, [Allen McLennen], James McQuade, Michael Cleary, James Cunan, James Deagan, Lawrence Burns, Thomas Connolly, William Clear, Peter McKinnon, John Goodwin, Mary Goodwin, Patrick Goodwin, [Patrick Burns], [Michael Stewart], Patrick Haley, John Drain, William Drain, James Kenny, James McAuley, [Peter Carlite], [John Hunter], Henry Mooney, Dennis Mulligan, Francis McRae, Patrick Bradley, Henry Bradley, John Whaler, Widow Clinton, Elizabeth Gormley, Hugh McInnis, James Coogan, Patrick Trainor, John Girmley, John Clinton, William Girmley, Michael Ronahan, John McKenna, Hugh McInnis, [Charles McKenna], Stephen Myers
Extent |
1 map: col.; 48 x 132 cm.
Subject (Geographic) | |
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