Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 62 (No.165)
Description |
Plan of Lot 62 (No.165). Selkirk Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. The map shows a division line, bodies of water, Wood Islands, lots, landowners, acreage, and a nautical compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 62 (No.165). Selkirk Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. The map shows a division line, bodies of water, Wood Islands, lots, landowners, acreage, and a nautical compass.
Names Present on Map |
Neil Nicholson, Donald McDougall, Malcolm Stewart, James Cooke, Peter Hume, John MacLeod, Donald Compton, Murdock Stewart, John MacDonald, Allan Stewart, Donald Stewart, John McKenzie, Murdock McKenzie, Donald McKenzie, Roderick McKenzie, William McKenzie, Donald MacGregor, Norman McLeod, John McLean, Allan Matheson, Ronald Stewart, Angus Martin, Joseph Saunders, Reverend D. McNeill, Alexander McDonald, Donald Matheson, Malcolm Bell, W.B. Dean, John MacDougall, Duncan Munn, James Munn, Donald Munn, [John A. Munn], Angus McMillan, John Compton, Phillip Saunders, Wellington Compton, Benjamin Beers, John Gillis, Donald Bell, Joseph Compton, Malcolm McNeill, Neil A. McMillan, Duncan McMillan, Donald McMillan, Angus McMillan, James McMillan, Dorothy Hume, Donald Gillis, Dorothy Munn, [Murdock McNeill], Peter Emery, Donald Taylor, Widow McNeill, Dugald McIsaac, John McMillan, Malcolm McMillan, John kennedy, Roderick McKay, Angus Lamont, Lauchlin McNeill, Patrick King, Roderick Munn, Neil McMillan, Malcolm Munn, Archibald Crawford, DOnald Gillis, Alexander McPherson, Alexander Martin, John R. McKenzie, Angus Dogherty, James Henderson, Archibald McIsaac, Angus Panting, George Panting, Donald Panting, Neil McDonald, John A. McDonald, Neil Munn, Duncan Taylor, David Keenan, John McIsaac, [Archibald Murray], [Neil Murray], John Brown, Alexander McLean, Robert Dixon, Charles McDonald, John McPherson, Archibald McDonald, John Campbell, Norman Malcolm, John McDonald, Archibald McNeil, Donald McPherson, Neil McNeil, Dougald McDonald, Hector McDonald, Norman Nicholson, William McLean, Widow Beaton, John Cairns, John Beaton, Hector Munn, Archibald Crawford, Hector MacMillan, Ann Matheson, Duncan Matheson, Peter Stewart, Alexander McDugald, D. McLeod, John McRae, Charles Stewart, Norman McRae, Charles Stewart, William McKenzie, Allan Matthewson, Widow McDonald, John Matheson, John McGregor, Angus McLean, Donald MacLeod, Donald Morrison, Archibald McDougald, Norman McKenzie, Allan Harrinson, Widow McDougall, William Ross, [Angus McLeod], Donald Gillies, Donald McLeod, John King, William McQueen, Norman Gillis, John Nicholson, Peter Ross, Donald Nicholson, George Young, William McDonald, John Bayne, [Roderick A. McBeth], Hugh Gillis, Charles McLean, Archibald McFayden, Murdock Bethune, John Hume, William Meade, Lauchlin McEachern, Duncan MacMillan, [Thomas Furness], David McRae, James Lemont, Dougald Munn, Angus McDonald, Lauchlan McLean, James Lamont, Samuel Hume, Malcolm McIsaac, Dugald Munn, John T. White, Robert R. Hodgson, David Hume, John A. Murray, Neil Murray, Dugald McLeod, Donald Gillis, Peter Beaton, Jane Beaton, John Emery, Alexander McGregor, [Joseph Saunders], Peter W. Hyndman, Murdock McLean, benjamin Weatherbie, [Charles Alexander Bain], James Robert Bain, Wellington Hume, [Cartney McLure], Henry Compton, [Charles J. Godsoe], Robert Lowry, Roderick McLean, Angus Beaton, Thomas MacMahon
Extent |
1 map: col.; 81 x 62 cm.
Physical Description |
Cloth map on cloth backing. The maps is wrinkled and buckled. The fabric is weakening along a crease that extends across the width of the map. Staining/discolouration.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Subject (Topical) |