Title Proper |
Plan of Township 64
Description |
Plan of Lot 64 (No.169). Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. The map shows bodies of water such as Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and Murray River, Murray Island, Savage Island and a nautical compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 64 (No.169). Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. The map shows bodies of water such as Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and Murray River, Murray Island, Savage Island and a nautical compass.
Names Present on Map |
Angus Currie, Angus Smith, Sarah Smith, Duncan Munn, Angus McLean, Ann Gillis, John McKenzie, John McLean, Alexander Blue, Donald Blue, Lachlan McLean, Duncan Blue, William McPhee, Angus McPhee, Norman Nicholson, Robert Dixon, John Fraser, [Augustine J. McInnis], Archibald McLeod, Alexander Fraser, James McDonald, Daniel Munn, John McDonald, Duncan McRae, Allan H. Bonnell, Alexander J. McDonald, Mark Bonnell, Kate Knight, John Livingstone, Alexander McLean, John Archibald McLean, Angus Stewart, [Catherine McLean], John McLennan, Benjamin Hayter, William Hayter, John Blue, Malcolm Blue, Archibald McNeil, Donald McNeill, Sarah McLeod, Donald McLellan, Malcolm Nicholson, Malcolm Stewart, Samuel Stewart, Malcolm McDonald, Murdoch Stewart, Ronald Stewart, John Stewart, Flora Nicholson, Angus Nicholson, Donald McLeod, Samuel Livingstone, [Alexander McDonnell], Thomas L. Cook, Peter McLean, Martin Olsen, George A. C. McIntosh, Christina McLean, John McKay, James Shaw, Duncan Livingstone, Dougald Livingstone, Alexander Stewart, John McLeod, James McLeod Jr., Malcolm McLean, James J. Bull, William McKay, Angus Cameron, Norman McLeod, Donald McLean, Donald Munroe [Donald Munro], Murdoch McSween, Reuben Munroe [Reuben Munro], Joseph Moore, Malcolm Cameron, Thomas Hayter, Hector Gillis, Thomas Giddings, Owen Giddings, Harvey Bishop, John Brook, [James Glover], [Thomas Claver], William Clements, William Barley, William Bull, Andrew Glover, John Bell, William Glover, David Glover, Henry Phillips, William McLeod, David Johnstone, James Bell, William Bell, James Beck, George Harris, John Harris, H. Chrystie, J. Kiley, John Beck, James Bishop, [Obadiah White], John Brooks, John Nicole, J. Sullivan, Henry Brehaut, Michael Hooper, Giles Hawkins, Vere Beck, Daniel Brehaut, Thomas Harris, James Dunn, Joseph Giddings, William Sencebaugh [William Sencabaugh], Edward Jordan, John Lecheur [John LeLacheur], John Robins, Charles Davey, D. Hugh, John O'Neil, Tobs. Connolly [Tobias Connolly], H. Machon, E. Giddings, George Irvine, Edward Kervin, Henry Sensebaugh [Henry Sencabaugh], Thomas White, William Bell, Charles White, Thomas Munn, Neil Perry, Elizabeth C., Hugh Jackson, Daniel Davies, Edward Giddings, John Hooper, John Bull, Humphrey Moore, David Hooper, Edward Moore, James J. Bull, William Bull Jr., Daniel Bull, Charles Binns, John Robert Saunders, John Wheeler, Robert Bull, James Bull, Isaac Geddings [Isaac Giddings], James LeLacheur, Charles Davy, William Davy, David Bull, Alfred Geddings [Alfred Giddings], John Machon, Samuel Machon, Thomas John Cowan, William Macheon [William Machon], William Richards, Thomas Henry, William Brehaut, William Clements, James Howe, Peter Robertson, David Creighton, William Bishop, John Hyde, Daniel Mancheon [Daniel Machon], Thomas Jersey, Alexander Vanderstine, John I. Machon, Josiah Roberts [Joshua Roberts], John R. Bull, Samuel McLeod, Charles Roberts, Lawrence J. Brennan, William White, James Moore, Ambrose Horton, Demas F. Cook, James Saunders, Nathaniel Beers, Gavin McLeod, Daniel McLeod, John Murdoch, James Beers, Geoffrey Harvey, John Lowe, John Soure, Edward Jordan, Thomas Lowe, Norman White, William Howe, James Hawkins, John Saunders, Giles Hawkins, James Richards, David Beers, Sidney W. Bears [Sidney W. Beers], Henry A. Beers, James Cuddy, Alexander Vaniderstine, Clara E. Cuddy, Kenneth Grant, John Horton, John A. White, Augustus J. McInnis, John S. Forbes, William Horton, Charles Calchoun, Abram Dealey, Robert McKay, Hugh McKay, George McKay, William D. Penny, James M. Sheram, John Richards.
Extent |
1 map: col.; 116 x 53 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper is peeling away from the cloth in places. Pieces are missing, resulting in loss of data. Both paper and cloth are broken in places, including a nearly continuous break, 70 cm. long, extending from the right edge.
Geographic - Continent | |
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Subject (Topical) |