Title Proper |
Plan of part of Lot 56
Description |
Plan of part of Lot 56 showing the names of residents, acreage, a few land conveyance references, and roads. (No.151)
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Underhay, J. C.
Details |
Plan of part of Lot 56 showing the names of residents, acreage, a few land conveyance references, and roads. (No.151)
Names Present on Map |
Michael Flynn, [Patrick Tobin], Lawrence Doyle, Andrew Redmore, James Larkin, George Robertson, [Mrs. Dennis Whitty], William Larkin, [John Neffy], Thomas Walsh, Michael White, [Thomas Mellahan], Michael McMahon, Joseph Dingwell, John Knight, [Joseph Bruening], Thomas Cobb, Mrs. McInnis, Duncan McLeod, Norman Shaw, Henry Cobb, Murdoch McLeod, John McGowan, Benjamin Acorn, Angus McLean, Augustus Steele, [Thomas J. Wiggenton], George Blaisdell, Hiram Blaisdell, Samuel Mills, Peter Steele, [William Smaller], Charles Dingwell, Thomas Taylor, Angus Campbell, [Angus McDonald], Allen McDonald, Charles McDonald, [John Smaller], John Dingwell, Ronald McDonald, [Fidillis McDonald], Norman Lawless, Alexander McDonald, James McDonald, John J. Davies, John L. Thomson, George Mackenzie, Ralph T. MacDonald, Daniel Blackett, John Brown, Allan McLeod, Daniel McLean, Alexander Bohannon, Joseph Brown, Lauchlan McDonald, Benjamin Cheffy, George Simonds, Thomas Larke, Patrick Cahill, Neil McIsaac, Maurice Bolan, Thomas Gorman, Dennis Ryan, William Welt, William James, Benjamin Coffin, Alexander Dingwell, Rufus Aitken, William Rielly, James Mills, [James Coffin], Beloney Gallant, Timothy Peters, Patrick Cahill, Thomas Botan, Dennis Shea, Thomas Shea, Charles Keefe, Francis Mills, James Mills, William Witken, John C. Underhay, Joseph Fisher, Joseph McDonald, John Mills, George Dingwell, James Needham, Mrs. Murphy, John Blackett, [Peter Moser], Lemuel Publieover, [William Conohan], [John Conohan], Ralph McDonald, Daniel McLean, Alexander Dixon, Mathew Amburg, Neil Darrah, Edward Burke, John Wilt, Nicholas Conohan, Mrs. Cooney, [Maurice Bolon], Patrick Cahill, Benjamin Dingwell, Emanuel Conohan, John Conohan
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: col.; 44 x 72 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper is peeling away from the cloth. Some pieces have come off and are missing, resulting in loss of data.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |