Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 41
Description |
Plan of Lot 41. Shows names of some residents. The map also shows St. Peters Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 41. Shows names of some residents. The map also shows St. Peters Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Names Present on Map |
Andrew Webster, Emanuel McEwen, John McKenzie, [Filip Simons], Jesse Simons, John Garrett, William Drake, David McLarrin, Abraham McLarrin, Thomas McKenzie, Widow Anderson, [Henry Anderson], [John McKiel], Angus McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Michael McCormack, John McCormack, John McLellan, Philip McIsaac, Widow Sutherland, Alexander McKenzie, John McKenzie, John McIntyre, Donald McIntyre, Ronald McDonald, Donald McDonald, Donald Sutherland, [Thomas Perry], Peter Sutherland, Donald McKinnon, James McKinnon, Allan McDonald, [Archibald O'Hanley], Donald O'Hanley, Ronald O'Hanley, Widow O'Hanley, John McCarthy, [Callahan McCarthy], John McInnis, R. McLellan, M. McCormack, Joseph McLellan, [Archibald McDonald], John Sutherland, Michael McIntyre, John Welsh, Samuel McKenzie, John Haydon, Donald Cummins, John Lewis, Donald Lewis, William McEwen, John Keenan, John McArthy, [Donald McIsaac], Donald McMullin, Angus McMullin, William Summers, [Kenneth Coffin], Peter McIntyre, Donald McInnis, John McInnis, Michael McIsaac, Michael McMullin, Ronald McMullin, Mary Miller, James McIsaac, James Larkin, John Sutherland, Patrick Larkin, Archibald McLeod, Daniel McCormack, [Lauchlan McKinnon], Peter McKinnon, Thomas Weeks, [Hugh McLewin], James Wilson, James Anderson, George McInnis, Murdock Murry, William Donnelly, Thomas Pope, Joseph Wittshire, [Dougald McIsaac], David Anderson, James McKay, John McEwen, [Archibald McAuly], [Angus McAuly], [James McAuly], [Pius McDonald], Daniel McDonald, Charles McDonald, James McDonald, Michael Murphy, John McIsaac, John McAuly, Lauchlan McAuly, Angus McDonald, [Widow Steal], Ronald McLeain, John McKinnon, [Lauchlan McPherson], Archibald McDonald, Malcolm McAuly, Donald McIsaac, Richard Barry, Archibald Wilson, Archibald McKenzie, James Wilson, Ronald McAuly, Hugh McKinnon, Peter McAuly, Donald McAuly, Hector McKinnon, Joseph McKenzie, Thomas Murphy, Angus Wilson, [Widow Reichel], John McIntyre, James Morrison, Duncan McIntyre, Lauchlan McDonald, [Malcolm McDonald], [Murdock McKinnon], Charles Stewart, Peter Gillis
Extent |
1 map: 48 x 89 cm.
Physical Description |
Cloth map. The fabric is thinning in places.
Geographic - Continent | |
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Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |