Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 65
Subtitle |
Queens Co., P.E.I.
Description |
The map shows Lot 65 in Queens county. Shown are roads, landowners and acreage, creeks, rivers, straits, marshes, brooks, coves, sand, reef, fishing stage, wharfs, post offices, mills, churches, factories, and school houses. Compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Robertson Library, UPEI
Names Present on Map |
R.B. Stewart, Donald McDonald, Alexander McNeill, Donald McFadyen, Peter McFadyen, Nicholas McArthur, Alexander McArthur, Nicholas McArthur, John McArthur, Allan Rodgerson, Donald McArthur, Malcolm McArthur, John McGillivray, Mrs. Frances Trainor, Edward McQuade, Andrew Eagan, James Cann, John McQuade, Francis Malone, John Murphy, Patrick Malone, James Malone, James Cann, Michael McGonnell, James McGonnell, Mrs. George McKenna, Barney Murray, Peter Trainor, John Clarkin, Patrick Docherty, James Commons, John Murray, Patrick Wynne, Patrick McCluskey, Nicholas Berrigan, William Pollard, Peter McCourt, William Cullen, Michael Cody, John Callaghan, Thomas Murray, John McKenna, James Clarkin, Alexander McLeod, John McKenzie, Joseph Clarkin, John Clarkin, John M. McKinnon, Alexander McLean, John McLean, Daniel Miller, Malcolm McKinnon, James McKinnon, Donald McKinnon, William Mutch, John Smith, Frank Smith, Thomas Doyle, Thomas Griffin, Roderick Hogan, Patrick Quilty, Patrick Dowling, Abraham Dowling, William Foley, Patrick Scott, John Lannon, Thomas Griffin, John P. Murphy, Matthew Doyle, James Foley, John E. Murphy, Lawrence Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Donald Currie, Neil McPhee, William Ross, George Gorvett, Joseph Betts, Alexander McDonald, Robert Campbell, Angus Campbell, George Smith, Alexander Livingstone, Alexander McNeill, Silas Betts, Thomas Lund, Edmund McDougall, John McDougald, Dugald Currie, John Currie, James Currie, William Ross, Archibald Ross, Malchias McIsaac, Neil McIsaac, Angus McIsaac, Alexander McDougall, Henry Feehan, John McIsaacs, Mrs. Bulger, Donald McNeill, Neil McNeill, Angus McEachern, Mrs. James Shaw, Peter Robertson, John Leonard, Robert McLeod, Horatio Webster, John Webster, Ewen McMillan, Thomas Burdett, William Ferguson, William Alchorn, James Alchorn, Neil McNeill, Thomas Lund, Malcolm Ferguson, William McMahon, Patrick McMahon, Michael King, John McKinnon, Lauchlan McKinnon, John M. McKinnon, William McKie, Malcolm Ross, Donald McDonald, Charles McNeill, George Wilson, Hugh Wilson, John Robertson, Mrs. McDougald, Neil Currie, Alexander McArthur, Neil McNevin, David McEwen, Thomas Wright, William Lowther, Neil Campbell, Hector McLean, Archibald B. McDonald, George Foster, Thomas Lowther, Archibald McDougald, Archibald Darrach, Edward Harrington, Edmund McDougald, Angus Cameron, John McQuarrie, William Ross, Donald Livingstone, John McDonald, Widow McDougald, Dennis Dowling, Daniel McEachern, Duncan McGregor, Archibald McGregor, Duncan Currie, Donald McEachern, John McEachern, Andrew McDougald, Samuel McDougald, Donald McQuarrie, Hector McQuarrie, Thomas McQuarrie, Donald McDonald, H. Taylor, Neil McEachern, James Campbell, Donald McMillan, John McRae, Neil McKinnon, Hugh McLean, Donald McDougald, Archibald Darrach, David Inman, Hugh McPhee, Roderick McNevin, Archibald McLean, Neil McLean, Mary Nicholson, Malcolm McKenzie, Duncan McEwen, Donald McNevin, Colin McEachern, Dougald McLean, Dougald McDougald, Archibald Campbell, Angus McKinnon, Roderick McKinnon, Dougald Currie, Archibald Darrach, Neil S. McKenzie, John McKinnon, Duncan Darrach, Finlay McRae, Daniel Ferguson, Duncan McEachern, Colin McDougall, Dougall McDougall, John McSwain, Murdock McLeod, Lauchlin McKinnon, Duncan McCannel, James McKinnon, Jonathan McLean, Neil McLaughlan, Alexander McLaughlin, Duncan McKinnon, W.E. Stretch, Edward Lowrey, John McNeill, William McEachern, Mrs. McPhee, Thomas Oldfield, Paul McPhee, Hector McLean, George McLeod, Joseph Stretch, John H. Morrow, Alexander C. Shaw, John Shaw, William Hodgson, Donald McFadyen, Ewen McLaughlin, John McFadyen, Donald Lamont, James McNeil, Colin McPhee, Mrs. Neil McFadyen, Mrs. Samuel McEachern, Dougald Mceachern, Alexander Darrach, Neil Darrach, Hector McFadyen, David Lowrie, Hector Blue, Peter McFadyen, Alexander McNeill, Donald McFadyen, Nicholas McArthur, Nicholas McNevin
Date Issued (Source) |
Publisher |
J. H. Meacham & company
Extent |
25.5 x 15.5 inches
Scale |
40 chains to one inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) | |
Source |
Illustrated historical atlas of the province of Prince Edward Island: From surveys made under the direction of C. R. AllenSubtitle
From surveys made under the direction of C. R. Allen
![]() Creator: Allen, C. R.
J. H. Meacham & company
Date Issued