Title Proper |
Plan of Lots 59 & 61
Subtitle |
Kings Co., P.E.I.
Description |
The map shows lots 59 & 61 in Kings county. Shown are roads, landowners and acreage, crosses, rivers, ponds, creeks, bays, coves, sand, wharfs, mills, post offices, churches, schools, light houses, and factories. Graphic compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Robertson Library, UPEI
Names Present on Map |
Donald McDonald, Donald McPhee, Allen A. McDonald, Lauchlan Martin, Kenneth Martin, Malcolm Matheson, John McRae, John McLeod, Angus Gillis, Donald McPherson, John McPherson, Hugh McLeod, John Nicholson, Ronald McPherson, Ronald Nicholson, John McLeod, Malcolm McKinnon, John McDonald, Donald McDonald, Donald McLean, William Rice, John Mehar, Joseph Fisher, Bernard Hugh, Thomas Murphy Jr., John Keagan, Peter Gormley, John McGruigan, Micheal Gormley, William [McCaty],
James McGuigan, James Gormley, James Gormley, Patrick Gormley, Frederick McKinnon, James Hughes, Phillip McGee, William Daley, Edward Hughes, Patrick McKearney, John Hughes, James McQuade, Patrick Quinn, Bryun McCarran, Micheal Carron, Thomas McCarron, Patrick McCarron, Thomas McCarron, [Gap t] Leblong, Thomas Daley, James McGee, Micheal McCarron, Thomas Smith, John Tynan, John Landrigan, John McGee, Norris Daley, Owen Monaghan, Thomas Murphy, Cain Wright, Andrew McGee John Collins, John Smith, George [Georges] Gratto, Mathew Gratto, James Robinson, John Lanigan, Jonathan Lewellyn, James C. Lewellyn, Woodly Lewellyn, Phillip Steel, John Greed, Donald Jamison, John Jamison, John Creed, William Greed, John French, Niel Campbell, Heirs of John Campbell, Thomas Fisher, John Condon, Dougald McDonald, Dougald McDonald, Donald Steele, William Hicken, Thomas Mc Anaulty, Mrs. Steele, Charles H. Lewellyn, Collin Steele, Captain John Reynolds, Andrew O'Connor, Samuel Hicken, George Hicken, James Dixon, Adam Dixon, Angus McMillan, Donald McMillan, John Gillis, Mrs. Steele, Mrs Rodrick Steele, Alex Steele, Rodrick Steele, Angus Steele, Mrs. Steele, Henry Lewellyn, Gavin McLure, Gavin McLure, William Lewellyn, Hrs of Angus Steele, Murdoch Beaton, Mrs. McDonald, Donald Lamont, Angus Lamont, John Martin, Angus McLeon, James Scott, Neil McKenzie, Mrs. McPherson, Angus McPherson, Malcolm McPhee, Charles McKinnon, Finlay McKenzie, Micheal Yeoman, Alex McLeod, Ronald Nicholson, Alex McLean, Hugh McDonald, Murdoch McDonald, William Rice, John Meahr, John McKenna, John McCarty, Mrs. McGavin, Thomas McCarron, Patrick McGuigan, M. Meahr, James M. Kearney, Patrick Clinton, John Laverty, Edward McGuigan, Micheal Meahr, John McCarran, Micheal Ronaghan, John Ronaghan, Christopher Laverty, Thomas Hughes, Bryan McCarran, McGuigan, Peter Cassidy, William McCarron, James Hughes Jr., Martin McCarty, James McGee, Perry McCarney, Patrick McGee, Thomas Daley, Augustus Rodgers, John Tynan, John O. Connor, Patrick Coughlan, Martin & Tobias Thomas Lendrigan, Tobias Thomas Landrigan, Hv. W. Phelan, Matthias Landrigan, John Sorey, Patrick Coughlan, Patrick Landrigan, J. Sorey, J. Murphy, F. Oldes, Nathan Conrad, W. Campbell, Dan l McKinnon, Dan l Collins, James Murphy, Nocholas Murphy, Francis Oldis, Mrs. J. Lewellyn, Henry Lewellyn, Mrs. Brennan, Francis Conrad , Nathan Conrad, Thomas Griffin, Joseph Griffin, Adam Wiley Jr., Adam White, Daniel l McLeod, Angus McPherson, Donald McLean, Angus Martin, John McKinnon, Mrs McDonald, John Jardine, Thomas Beers, Phillip Beers, Thomas Beers, George Bears, David H. Hume, Samuel l Hume, John McKinnon, Charles McKinnon, Benjamin Compton, Henry D. Compton [Comptons], Neil Bruce, Archibald McDonald, Laughlin McKinnon, Benjamin Bears, John Matheson, George Bears, Angus McDonald, Mrs. Hugh McKenzie, John McPhee, Robert Campbell, Jeremiah Turner, Angus Martin, William Compton, Peter Martin, John Kennedy, Josh Thompson, Peter Cleary, Kirvan, H. O. Connors, Donald McPherson, Thomas Kemp, Norman McLeod, Angus McLeod, John Mahar, George King Jr., George Ging Sr. lex Surrey, Charles Moore, George Moore, John Steele Jr., Richard Westaway, John Steele Sr., William Compton, John McKinnon, Rodrick McKinnon, William Moore, Samuel Moore, Henry Moore, Matthew Young, Louis Randall, Nicholas Mutlow, John Kearney, Mrs. T. Lanigan, Barnard Kearney, Henry O'Connor, Ronald McDonald, Murdoch McKenzie, Alex McPherson, John McPherson, Martin Martin, Christopher Jardine, William Hume, James Hume, David Hume, John McLeod, Murdoch Campbell, Malcolm Taylor, William Taylor, Alex Nicholson, Peter Hume, Benjamin Compton, John Grant, Joseph B. Compton, Archibald McDonald, Laughlin McKinnon, Simon Campbell, Wellington Beers, Rodrick Graham, John Graham, Donald McDonald, Donald Matheson, Archibald McPherson, John Cameron, William Beers, Laughlin McLaughlin, H. Compton, Donald [Dan] Martin, William Compton, James E. Compton, William Martin, John McBeath, Phoebe McGowan, Mrs. D. Campbell, Henry Young, John McBeath, Donald Nicholson, Alex Matheson, Donald McEachern, Donald McEachern, William McLeod, William Cleary, Hugh Finlayson, William White, John Cleary, Peter Cleary, Micheal McInnis, Lemuel Acorn, Mrs. James Donley, Edward Mahar, John Young, Edward Mahar, Bejamin Creed, Angus Stewart, John Gordon, John McDonald, Ronald McDonald, Malcolm Martin, Angus Campbell, Martin Martin, Malcolm Martin, Miss F. McKinnon, Angus Stewart, William McKinnon, Malcolm Matheson John McLeod, Angus McPherson, J. Matheson, John Bruce, Robert A. Hayden, Norman McPhee, Angus McPhee, John Matheson, Allan McLeod, Angus McPhee, Hugh McPhee, Alex Campbell, Donald Campbell, Malcolm Stewart, Martin McPherson, Donald McPherson, Mrs. Archibald Campbell, Peter McPherson, [Jnc] McKinnon, Malcolm McDonald, John McDonald, Laughlin McKinnon, George [Bethione], Alex Matheson, John Matheson, Alex Matheson, Neil McInnis, Malcolm McPherson, Alex McKay, William Waterhouse, William Stewart, Malcolm Munn, Lauchlan McInnis, Duncan McLellan, Donald Beaton, Peter Gordon, Duncan McLellan, D.G. Cameron, Donald Beaton, P. Gordon, James Heckbert, Jonathan Beaton, John Nicholson, Rodrick Fraser, James Young, John Stewart, Alex Stewart, William Young, Mathew Young, James McLeod, Angus Finlayson, Moses Bourke, James Dormety, George Thomson, Henry Sackles, Peter Cleary, Angus McDonald, Samuel Clark, George Moors, John Parish, James Campbell, John Fitzgerald, James McKenzie, Charles McKenzie, Hugh Campbell, William Thompson, Henry Young, Eli R. Thompson, Richard Westaway, George O'Conner, Duncan Fraser, John Collins, Peter Cleary, Richard Westaway, Geo Shaw, Young Sr., Young, Johnson Young, Mrs. Young, [M] Thompson, James Greed, J. O. Connor, G. O. Connor, Andrew O'Connor, Henry Young, Richard Westaway, William Thompson, William Creed, Mrs Geo Young, George Young Jr., Johnson Young, Daniel McDonald, William Thompson, Henry Young Jr., Johnson & George Gea B. Aitken, Hiram Hobbs, William Thompson, Richard Thornton, John Wightman, James Aitken, B. Aitken, George B. Aitken, Johnson Aitken, Johnson Aitken, David Stewart, Josh Wightman, Alan McDonald, George Peters, G. Miller, Roger Westaway, Mrs. James Stewart, Neil Matheson, Henry Matheson, Donald McLeod, Malcolm Martin, Miss Flora Matheson, John McLean, Mrs Alex McLean, Albert Campbell, Angus McRae, Malcolm McLeod, William McPhee, Angus McLeod, Lauchlan McPhee, Malcolm McPhee, Alex Campbell, Donald Campbell, John McSwain, John Stewart, Donald Campbell, Hugh McDonald, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Alex McDonald, John McPherson, Duncan Gillis, John McDonald, Alex McQueen, R. Matheson, J. Martin, Angus Finlayson, Donald Gillis, John Martin, Rodrick McLeod, Angus McPhee, Hrs. Mrs. Matheson, Alex McLeod, John Martin, Samuel l McPherson, Peter Beaton, Alex Beaton, John Beaton, Archibald Nicholson, Murdoch Nicholson, Donald Nicholson, Martin McInnis, Donald Nicholson, Micheal McDonald, John Beaton, Mrs. M Bruce, D.G. Gameron, Murdoch Nicholson, Alex Nicholson, John Nicholson, Alex Munroe, John Renton John McDonald, James McDonald, Rodrick Fraser, Donald Suckles, James McLaughlin, Robert Richards, James McLaughlin, James Creed, Henry Young, Donald Suckles, John Clark, Benjamin Suckles, Mrs. J.D Campbell, Murdoch McLeod, Alex McLeod, Archibald McLeod, Alex Campbell, James B. Campbell, Mrs. John McLaren, John McFarlane, George Wright, Thomas Annear, Alex McFarlane, Allan McDonald, William Poole, Hrs. and W. Young, John Poole, Peter Ross, James Phillips, Mrs. William Johnson James McEarlane, John Poole, William Poole, James Phillips, Mrs. William Johnson, George Peters, J. [Purchase], George Peters, James Cameron, Andrew Young, Peter Ross, Frederick Dancy, Thomas Phillips, Captain George Phillips, William Buchanan, Charles McNeil, John & George Suckles, Cornelius Poole, Theo Aitken, James Aitken George, B. Aitken, Johnson Aitken, Johnson Aitken, B. Aitken, Johnson Aitken, David Stewart, Josh Wightman, Alan McDonald, George Peters, G. Millar, Roger Westaway, Dan l [Donald] McDonald, Henry Young, Johnson Gea B. Aitken, Richard Thornton, John Wightman, Alex F. Bruce, Alex Bruce, Donald Ross, Alex F. Bruce, Donald McLeod, Murdoch McDonald, Alex McLeod, Muroch McLeod, Norman McLeod, Laughlin McLean, Donald McLean, Neil McLeod, Malcolm McLeod, Miss Marry Leod, John McLeod, Alex McLeod, John McLeod, Malcolm Pherson, Malcolm Matheson, Angus McDonald, Alex McDonald, Alex McLeod, Alex McPherson, Laughlin McPherson, Miles McInnis, John McLeod, Allan McDonald, Duncan Campbell, John Nicholson, George Keith, Donald Nicholson, Samuel Nicholson, Archibald Nicholson, Malcolm McDonald, William Keith, D.J. Campbell, Charles Keith, John Riley, George Keith, Duncan Campbell, John Beers, Duncan McDonald, Duncan McDonald, Duncan McDonald, Archibald Buchanan, Dr. James F. Robertson, John Lamon, Charles M. Poole, William White, Charles Fraser, Richard Lamon, Augustine McDonald, Joseph Kennedy, C. Campbell, Daniel R. Dewar, Peter A. Dewar, Alex Forbes, John Dewar, Joseph Dewar, Mrs. Donald Dewar, Wilham Campbell, Thomas [Brekaut], Daniel Dewur, Duncan Campbell, Duncan M. Campbell, Alex Campbell, Joseph D. Campbell, Daniel Campbell, George Wright, Thomas Annear,Alex McEarlane, Mrs. P. Beers, Longworth, J. Dowe, Mrs. Lambert, J. [Gills], John Robertson, Dr. J.F. Robertson, John Kennedy, James Thompson, C.D. Poole, R. C. Ch, C. McMullan, F. Fushier, J. Shannon, A. [Grattan], Andrew A. Archibald J & Angus C. McDonald, Mrs. Rodrick Steele, Donald McMullen, William McDonald |
Date Issued (Source) |
Publisher |
J. H. Meacham & company
Extent |
25.5 x 15.5 inches
Scale |
40 chains to one inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) | |
Source |
Illustrated historical atlas of the province of Prince Edward Island: From surveys made under the direction of C. R. AllenSubtitle
From surveys made under the direction of C. R. Allen
![]() Creator: Allen, C. R.
J. H. Meacham & company
Date Issued