Title Proper |
Plan of Lots 51, 52, & 66
Subtitle |
Kings Co., P.E.I.
Description |
The map shows lots 51, 52, & 66 in Kings county. Shown are roads, railroads and stations, landowners and acreage, streams, rivers, post offices, mills, and churches. Graphic compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Robertson Library, UPEI
Names Present on Map |
Samuel Sanphy, John Gill, Thomas Connolly, John Connolly, Mrs. Ann Baldwin, John Keoughan, Patrick Keoughan, James Kelly, Richard Gill, [Thomas Edmouds], Bridget McInnis, Patrick Brothers, Allan McLellan, James Walsh, Hugh Rooney, Peter Trainor, Terrance Cairns, John McCarthy, John Goddman, Terranea Cairns, Michael Cullen, B. McQuaid, John McLellan, Edward Kelley, John H. Bradley, Peter McQuaid, Daniel Curran, Patrick Power, Peter Goodwin, Andrew Campbell, Daniel McKenna, John McQuaid, Henry Trainor, Daniel Mulligan, Peter McKenna, Thomas Cochran, Patrick McKenna, John Sanphy, Michael Sanphy, James Sanphy, John Robertson Jr., John Robertson Sr., George Moar, M. Moar, E. Walsh, John Moar, John Mooney, Henry Mooney, James Keoghan, Hugh McInnis, John Mulligan, Francis McAree, Dennis Mulligan, Patrick Bradley, Henry Bradley, John P. Bradley, John Kenny, William Drain, John Haley, James McKenna, Patrick Goodwin, William Gormley, Peter McKinnon, William Pollard, Hugh McQuaid, James Deighan, James McQuaid, William Murphy, Francis Curran, Martin Corcoran, Thomas Corcoran, Thomas Curran, John McAree, William Cullin, John Cairns, Mrs. Mary Baldwin, Hugh Clarkin, Alex Reid, James Moar, Peter McLaren, Capt. A.A. McInnis, Alec McAulay, Roderick McLeod, John M. Campbell, James Jack, Malcolm McCampbell, Charles Young, P.H. Campbell, William Aitkins, Joseph Wightman, James Rourke, Edmund Lannan, Patrick Lawler, Edward Brothers, James Sullican, E. Innis, Patrick Rice, Patrick Lawlor, Dennis Lawlor, Michael Hynds, Anthony Troy, Thomas Morrisey, Donald Lamont, Joseph Mellish, John H. Mellish, Daniel Martin, Robert L. Mellish, Albert Mellish, George Mellish, Daniel McGregor, A. Nicholson, John McQueen, Angus McPherson, Duncan McPherson, Catherin McDonald, James A. Moore, John Mellish, Daniel Ross, John Ross, Moses Peardon, Duncan McLennan, Alex McNeil, John McNeil, Donald Gillis, Donald Munro, Alex Munro, Donald Campbell, Alex McPherson, George Player, John Gillis, Malcolm Campbell, Thomas Troy, John Trainor, William Sullivan, Malcolm Lamont, Neil McQueen, Peter Campbell, James Campbell, Paul Troy, J.R. McDonald, Martin McInnis, [Malcolm Nicholson], John Bruce, John Beaton, E. Innis, Thomas Sullivan, Peter Cairns, Michael Evans, Fredrick Praught, Patrick O'Halloran, Malcolm McLeod, John McKenzie, Murdock Beaton, Angus McQueen, Angus Nicholson, Donald McInnis, Donald McLeod, Kenneth Gordon, Murdock Doughert, Peter E. Campbell, John McCarron, Ronald Lamont, Donald D. Campbell, Malcolm Martin, James A. Martin, Anthony Collins, Hugh O'Riley, Hugh McDiarmid, Duncan McDiarmid, Andrew Power, George Keith, William Keith, Robert Sample, James Lannan, M. Rowe, Charles Martin, Lawrence Murphy, Robert Griffin, Alex Campbell, J. McAvoy, Hugh Campbell, William White, John Annear, Charles Stewart, James McLaren, P. Gaul, John Robertson, Isabella Stewart, Alex D. Robertson, Alex McLean, Daniel Vessey, William D. Shaw, Donald Robertson, Daniel McLaren, Abner Dewar, John S. Nelson, Archibald Shaw, John Dewar, Angus Stewart, Peter Stewart, Daniel Robertson, Donald McEachern, Michael Lannan, Simon McEachern, Patrick Maher, Peter J. D. Edmonds, Thomas Lannan, Maurice Murphy, Benedict McMillan, Thomas Cain, Michael Power, John Welsh, Martin O'Halloran, Patrick Welsh, William Moar, Neil McNeil, Donald McLean, John Curran, Peter D. Campbell, E. Lane, Margaret Minchin, Cyrus Shaw, Alex Smith, John Kaneen, Charles Hamilton, Alex Hamilton, Captain James Gorden, Robert Shaw, Terrance Power, R. Lamont, Patrick Samphy, Edward Poole, Nathaniel McLaren, Hector Johnston, Walter Kelley, Peter Gordon, Cornelius Donahoe, John Smith, Samuel McInnis, Donald Stewart, Walter Walsh, Donald Fraser, Peter Curran, Thomas Dunn, Andrew Murphy, G. McNeil, Gregory Kelly, John McMillan, Edmund Welsh, Maurice Welsh, Thomas Cronan, Joseph Power, Michael Welsh, Alex Stewart, James McLean, John McLean, Edward Welsh, Daniel Minchin, Daniel Shaw, H. McMillan, John McLaren, Daniel McDonald, Edmond Cain, John Buchanan, Alex Cameron, John Gorden, Daniel Gorden, William McLaren, William McIntyre, Henry Collins, James Collins, James McDonald, Dougal Munn, Andrew Hayden, Owen Donahoe, John McIntyre, Daniel McQuarrie, Daniel McLellan, Duncan McIntyre, Isaac Foster, Samuel Weatherbee, Joseph McDoanld, David McDonald, John Poole, Peter Gorden, George Gorden, Margaret McLaren, James B. Stewart, John Stewart, Thomas Brother, James Welsh, Ephrain Stewart, Alex Byland, Joseph Wilson, William Ferguson, John Ferguson, Angus Martin, Michael McMillan, John G. Scrimgeour, Donald Beaton, Kenneth Beaton, Rich Welsh, William Welsh, George Alley, Wallace Stewart, Duncan McInnis, Charles McAulay, Roderick McAulay, Frank McAulay, James McAulay, Donald McAulay, John McAulay, Angus McAulay, Peter Nicholson, Murdock Nicholson, John McDonald, Donald Finlayson, William Gorden, Malcolm McAulay, Donald McPherson, Angus Steele, Leo McAulay, Norman McLeod, Murdock McLeod, John Nicholson, James Mustard, Neil Nicholson, Ronald Campbell, Angus Wilson, John Wilson, Michael McPherson, Donald Wilson, Angus McSwain, Roderick McSwain, Allan McSwain, Elisha Curtis, Malcolm McLean, Norman McLean, Fredrick F. Shepherd, Fredrick Shepherd, Charles Alley, Edward Redmon, William Ryan, James Keoughan, John Gormley, Patrick Gormley, James McInnis, Stephen Myers, Angus McInnis, Peter McMillan, Reverend John Gordon, Robert Dewar, Captain Donald McDonald, Donald McDonald, Finlay Dougherty, Peter Finlay, Malcolm McDonald, John McKay, William Dempsey, John R. McDonald, Patrick Smith, Peake Bros, Henry Myers, John Crane, Parick McCullough, John McInnis, Peter Finlayson, John Fisher, William Wallace, James Mitchell, Daniel McEachern, Alex McInnis, Moses McDonald, Roderick McDonald, Angus McLeod, Angus McDonald, Colin McDonald, Alex McDonald, John Lamont, Alex McLeod, Murdock McPhee, Neil McCannel, Neil McLeod, Neil Shaw, John McSwain, Donald Nicholson, Malcolm McSwain, John Monroe, Hugh McDonald, John Johnson, Samuel McDonald, John H. Campbell, James Mustard Jr., John McEachern, Archibald McEachern, Thomas Donohoe, James Bryden, David Bryden, Robert Quinn, James Quinn, Michael Quinn, Mrs. C. Nicholson
Date Issued (Source) |
Publisher |
J. H. Meacham & company
Extent |
25.5 x 15.5 inches
Scale |
40 chains to one inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) | |
Source |
Illustrated historical atlas of the province of Prince Edward Island: From surveys made under the direction of C. R. AllenSubtitle
From surveys made under the direction of C. R. Allen
![]() Creator: Allen, C. R.
J. H. Meacham & company
Date Issued