Title Proper |
Plan of Lot Twenty Four
Subtitle |
Queens Co., P.E.I.
Description |
The map shows lot 24 in Queens county. Shown are rivers, gulfs, capes harbours, wharfs, lighthouses, fishing stages and holes, seaside hotels and bath houses, churches, crosses, post offices, roads, landowners and acreages. Graphic compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Robertson Library, UPEI
Names Present on Map |
Donald Campbell, James McDuff, Richard McDuff, F. McDuff, Angus Beaton, John Darke, Roderick Gillis, Edward Johnson, William Darke, John Darke, Thomas Drummond, William Brunacomb, Christopher Bolt, Thomas Ford, Barnard Exworthy, John Coles, William Ford, Messrs Hooper, John Boundy, Robert Seaman Jr., William Seaman Sr., William Seaman Jr., James Wickham, Donald McDonald, Peter Green, Alexander McKinnon, John Campbell, Donald McInnis, Edward Ford, Peter McInnis, Samuel McInnis, Malcolm McLeod, John McLeod, Farquer McRae, Donald Stewart, Alexander Russell, John McInnis, John Buchanan, John Matheson, John McMillan, John McRae, Mrs. Pembroke, Norman McLeod, Laurence Buchanan, John Mobbs, Joseph Gallant, Thomas Hart, Nicholas Clary, John Ling, John Clary, Mrs. Caroline Auld, Duncan McMillan, Charles Barrett, William Barrett, B. Stephenson, John Winsloe, Robert Stephenson, Alexander McKenzie, James Wares, Elias Roberts, Benjamin Barrett, John Hughes, Alexander McMillan, R. Stephenson, Mrs. Thomas Bowen, William Bowen, Bruno Doucette, Francis Gallant, Lawrence O'Brien, Henry Craswell, Sylvester Martin, Eliza Martin, Richard Bolt, James Bell, Cephas Ford, Robert Ford, John Ford, Robert Andrews, Mrs. Mary Godfrey, James Seaman, Norman McDonald, Peter Wilson, John McKinnon, Joseph Wise, Alexander Campbell, Hector McRae, Roderick McLeod, Samuel Ford, Malcolm McLeod, Samuel Coles, Malcolm McInnis, John Nantes, James Green, Malcolm McDonald, Alexis Doiron, Donald McDonald, Ronald McDonald, David Matheson, Allan McDonald, Alexander Miller, George Hooper, Edward Pickard, James Coles, George Rodd, Henry Chandler, Mrs. M. McKinnon, Jonas Carter, William Saunders, J. Saunders, John Neill, Conrad Younkers, Donald McQuarrie, James Duffy, Charles Smith, James Neill, Angus Neill, John Neill, Angus Gallant, William Neill, Benjamin Gallant, Angus McInnis, Allan McInnis, Eliza Peters, Felix Peters, Polycarp Doucette, Leonard Doucette, Peter Martin, Eusebe Gallant, Mrs. Cerephin Gallant, Florence Gallant, Lawrence Gallant, Finley McInnis, Polycarp Gallant, George Gaudet, Joseph Gaudet, Moses Gallant, David Mutch, Moses Peters, John B. Matheson, George Gallant, Thomas Peters, Mary Gallant, Kenneth Matheson, Charles L. Matheson, Mrs. James Gallant, David Matheson, James Gallant, Thomas Carr, George Carr, Amada Gallant, Mathias Gallant, John Horne, Hubert Gallant, James McDonald, John Moreside, Elias Roberts, John Ross, Peter Gallant, Christopher Exworthy, William Exworthy, Morris Gallant, Lazarus Gallant, Thomas Seaman, Alexander McDonald, John Winsloe, Henry Pidgeon, Alfred Doucette, John Watkins, Fidelle Doucette, Thomas Chandler, John Duncan, Frederic Bulman, Thomas Doucette, Widow A. Martin, Morain Gallant, George Exworthy, Andrew Gregor, Kenneth Joseph, William Matheson, Neil Matheson, Robert Matheson, John Malcolm Ross, Donald Ross, J.A. Ross, Sylvester Doiron, Duncan McMillan, Joseph Doucette, Widow Arean Doucette, Andrean Gallant, Felix Gallant, Laurence Gallant, Joseph Doiron, Hermand Doiron, Adrian Doiron, Celistine Doiron, Adolph Doiron, Jerome Doiron, Thomas Martin, Joseph Moses Doucette, Joseph Martin, Timothy Burke, Sylvester Doirant, B. McEwen, Theophilus Blanchard, Moses Blanchard, Felix Blanchard, William Craswell, Mrs. James Craswell, Charles Craswell, Fabian Gallant, R. Stevenson, John Bulman, Necapharus Doucette, Thomas Gallant, Leonard Gallant, Sylvain Martin, Francis Buote, Joshua Doiron, Felix Doiron, Daniel Bulman, Onesime Buote, John C. Doiron, D. Pino, A. Pino, O. Pino, William Parkman, Thomas Bulman, Christopher Bulman, Lemuel Clark, Edwin Coulsting, Robert Craswell, C. Blanchard, Joseph Tombs, John Buntain, Francis Gallant, Andrew Martin, Isadore Gallant, Laurence Martin, Bruno Martin, R.C. Chapel, Cleophas Blanchard, Maurice Martin, Elisha LePage, Eusebe Peters, Solomon Martin, Archibald Martin, Felix Buote, Ephraim Gallant, Maxime Peters, Stephen Coles, Mrs. Elizabeth Gallant, Benjamin buntain, George Gallant, Marshall Gallant, Archibald Gallant, Theophilus Gallant, Gilbert Peters, John Pino, Nicholas Peters, Lawrence Martin, Sosime Peters, Pacific Peters, Isadore Peters, C. LecLair, Atanos Doucette, Bruno Doucette, William McNeill, Leonard LeClair, Joseph LeClair, George LeClair, Frederic Woolner, George Woolner, Christopher LePage, Frederick Woolner, Edward Woolner, Sylvain Doucette, Samuel Doiron, Bernard Doiron, Andrew Blacquier, Andrew Gotier, Peter Blanchard, John Houston, Fidelle LeClair, Peter LeClair, Sylvester LeClair, W.S. McNeill, H.M. Churchill, William Tombs, L. Blanchard, George Budd, Joseph W. Brown, Charles Houston, [Thomas Pursey], Nepoleon Pino, William Smith, John Rollings, J. Houston, Isaac Tombs, Theophilus Pino, Bruno Pino, J.G. McNeill, Dominic Doirant, Joseph Doirant, William G. Houston, Abraham Doucette, Jerome Doucette, William Arthur Sr., Archibald Warren, Alexander Houston, Jordan Williams, Andrew Doyle, Moses Peter, Wallace Tombs, Dominic Peters, William McLure, Daniel Ross, George Court, William McLure, Alexander Laird, Charles McNeill, Onesime Gallant, Mrs. Ann Cliff, Hugh McLure, John B. McLure, William Bernard, James Marr, Cornelius Fleming, John McLure, Roderick McLure, John McKenzie, Angus McKenzie, Ewen C. McKenzie, Charles McNeill, John Ling, Albert McRae, William Stead, J. McCallum, Mrs. Caroline Hughes, Mrs. Mooney, J. Powers, J. Holmes, Malcolm McKinley, Charles Murray, James Cousins, Samuel Kennedy, Donald Graham, John Sellick, Murdoch Graham, James Davison, Samuel Sellick, Malcolm Matheson, Donald Stewart, Malcolm McIntosh, Hector McDonald, Norman Nicholson, Daniel McClure, George McCoubrey, James Arthur, Samuel McLeod, Hugh McLeod, [Shus Stewart], James Bigger, John McNevin, John Donohue, Thomas Bigger
Date Issued (Source) |
Publisher |
J. H. Meacham & company
Extent |
26 x 16 inches
Scale |
40 chains to one inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) | |
Source |
Illustrated historical atlas of the province of Prince Edward Island: From surveys made under the direction of C. R. AllenSubtitle
From surveys made under the direction of C. R. Allen
![]() Creator: Allen, C. R.
J. H. Meacham & company
Date Issued