Title Proper |
Plan of Township No. 29
Subtitle |
embracing the Fane and Melville Estates – 1883
Description |
Plan of Lot 29 (No.80). Fane and Melville Estates.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Hand written names and acreage amounts in black and red ink. Other numerical figures written in red ink on each sub-lot. Roads drawn in yellow. Water features, which include the Dundas River (now Desable River), outlined in blue. Map shows Lot 29 divided into two estates, Fane and Melville. The western estate is outlined with beige/brown; the eastern estate is outlined with green. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows, variation shown for 1764.
Names Present on Map |
Patrick M. Hughes, John J. Rogerson, John B. Lea, William Warren Rogerson, Joseph Thomas, Thomas McCaroll, George Crew, Edward Francis, George Francis, George Stordy, James Fall, George Fall, Flora McLeod, Donald McLennan, Patrick Hagan, Heath McVittie, Robert McVittie, James McVittie, John Hughes, James McKenna, David Moffatt, Allan McDougall, John Moore, James Stewart, Hugh Campbell, James Moore, James Gorman, James Trainor, Francis Kelly, Edward Kelly, Patrick McKenna, Daniel Kelly, Francis Smith, Felix McGuggan, Michael Duffy, James Duffy, Owen Trainor, James Flood, Albert D. Calbeck [Albert D. Callbeck], Anthony Collett, George Trowsdale, Andrew Wilson, George Oakes, John Matters, John Kelly, William Moore, Aaron Collett, William Simmons, William T. Canfield, John Simmons, Edward Francis, Peter McQuaid, Francis McDonald, John Wood, John Malone, John Trainor, James A. McDonald, Francis Bradley, Patrick Quinn, Samuel Waddell [Samuel Wadill], Robert Craig, John Monaghan, Francis Monaghan, Thomas Murray, Thomas French, James Wadill, Francis McAvin, Arthur Kelly, Francis Malone, George Trowsdale, William Matters, Edward McVittie, Mark Joy Best, James Newsome, William A. Leard, Joseph Crew, Andrew Trowsdale, Owen McDonald, Francis Carragher, Edward Carragher, James Carragher, Henry Woods, Andrew Bradley, James Bradley, Charles Monaghan, John Haughey, Patrick Haughey, Rosa Monaghan, James Wadill, Thomas Monaghan, Thomas Hagan, Francis Craig, Patrick Trainor, Terrence McEwin, James McEwin, John S. Fall, William D. Sherrin, Richard Boyle, Nathan Percival, George Percival, George Lowther, Cornelius Lowther, William Rogerson, Edward Rogerson, Ralph Nicholson, Margaret Rogerson, Robert P. Rogerson, Esther Pearson, Joseph McDonald, William Bertie Stordy, John Sturdy [John Stordy], Isaac Trowsdale, James G. Wright, George Howatt, James Howatt, Isaac Smith, James T. Sherran, Joseph B. Trowsdale, Samuel McDougall, John McDougall, Jeremiah McNeill, John Nicholson, Matthew Smith, Abraham Myers, Robert Myers, Alexander S. McQuarry [Alexander S. McQuarrie], Neil McQuarrie, Hector McQuarrie, Isaac Myers, William L. French, John C. French, Malcolm Ferguson, Finlay Ferguson, John McQuarrie, Neil McDonald, Margaret Wilson, Wesley Myers, Thomas Bulpit, Edmund F. Nelson, Mark Inman [Mark Enman], David Cameron, John Cameron, John Thomas Inman [John Thomas Enman], James Inman [James Enman], Thomas Ince, Michael Harrington, Michael McKeever, Margaret E. Burns, Timothy James Burns, Stephen Burns, William Henry Inman [William Henry Enman], Henry Farrow, Donald Campbell, Jane Inman [Jane Enman], Angus Bryan, Donald W. Palmer, Lemuel Haslam, T. Curtis, E. Snow, Margaret Coughlan, Richard Cameron, Marcus Ferguson, Joseph R. Inman [Joseph R. Enman], John Ferguson, David Ferguson, Archibald McAlder, Charles McKinnon, David Marchbanks, Duncan Mattheson, William Barren, William Beer, John Beer, Barnabas Creamer, John McFarlane, Edward Trainor, Charles Dunsford, Malcolm Bell, John Bell, James Higgins, Edmund F. Nelson, William Villett, Isaac Beer, Artemas Beer, Michael Malone, John McMurror, John Kingdom, John Bradley, Allan Ferguson, Peter Monaghan, John H. Trainor, John Hall, Thomas Malone, Francis McAvin, Francis Goodwin, Francis Cutliffe, William McDonald, William McKenna, William Askin, John Askin, Felix McKenna, Patrick McQuaid, William Goodwin, James Waddill, William Dunsford, Patrick Monaghan, Donald McKinnon, Philip Beer, James Palmer, John McLean Snr., Christy Campbell, Neil Campbell, John Dixon, Donald McQuarrie, Hector McKay, Donald McKay, Roderick McKinnon, Alexander McKay, Neil McKay, Neil McNevin, Colin McNevin, Donald McNevin, Neil Shaw, John Currie, Charles Binns, Charles McQuarrie, John McLean Jr., Donald McLean, John D. McNevin, Andrew White, John Campbell.
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map (rolled): col.; 50 x 104.7 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on fabric backing. Paper cracked in places. A piece containing data, approx. 4 cm x 3 cm, has fallen off from upper left quadrant. Map has been taped.
Geographic - Continent | |
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Subject (Topical) |